DIY Use 8 Different Flowers For One Bouquet.

Flowers Used in this Arrangement:

  • Eucaliptus
  • Pink Lily
  • Pink Daisy
  • White Daisy
  • Pink Matsumoto
  • White Button
  • Pink Button
  • White Alstro

The best part about harvesting a garden full of wildflowers is that you’ll never get bored of the options. Every bouquet you will create with your flowers of choice will be slightly different. All you need is a good amount of countertop space to prepare an arrangement eight different flowers for one huge bouquet of fresh cut flowers.


Step 1: Lay out your materials

Gather all your materials and place them on your clean countertop or oversized cutting board. In this video, Florist Hernando Salazar will be using a large glass vase, a watering glass full of warm tap water, garden scissors, a packet of flower food and a plastic twist tie.

Step 2: Detangle each stem

When buying flowers or picking them by hand from your home garden, do you ever notice how flowers stems always seem to get tangled as they grow from the vines or wilt out and die? Getting plants to be vase ready is a process. Separate each stem and begin to find patterns of similarities.

Step 3: Groom each stems

As repetitive as this task may seem, it’s important to remove any extra leaves from each and every stem. Not only does manicuring the stems increase the bouquet’s shelf life, the water won’t turn green and smelly and the flowers last longer and fit better together. In this video, we will be using Eucalyptus, Pink Lily, Pink Daisy, White Daisy, Pink Matsumoto, White Button, Pink Buttons, and White Alstros.

Step 4: Spiral Technique

After you finish preparing the flowers for the bouquet, now it’s time to create something beautiful. Use your writing hand to pick up and arrange each stem into your free hand. Relax and hold your free hand open to receive what your right hand is offering. As you add flowers, rotate the bouquet in your hand periodically for an even bouquet.

Step 5: Start with the pink lily, then add daisies

Start with the pink lily, then add the pink daisies to one side of the lily. Add white daisies next to the pink daisies, and then follow again with pink daisies. If you think of the lily as having four sides, then at this point three sides are filled with daisies–pink, white, pink.

Step 6: Add the alstro and buttons

Fill the fourth side with the white alstro, then add the white and pink buttons throughout the bouquet according to your preference. The buttons give the bouquet volumn. Here’s where the spiral technique comes in handy. Turn the bouquet in your hand as you add additional stems.

Step 7: Finish with the eucalyptus

Finish with a spray of eucalyptus layered into one side of the bouquet. Place the slightly higher than the rest of the stems, so that the bouquet has a more interesting form.

Step 8: Make it count

Once you can hold your newly created bouquet with of its all the stems in one hand, it’s time to tie it to place. Grab your plastic twist tie (or hair tie) and fasten in your stems so that they will stay in place and will not move around, jeopardizing your creation’s arrangement. Make sure your twist tie isn’t loose. At this point, it will be easier to cut the stems evenly so that they all fit in your vase. Measure the heighten you will need your bouquet to be when it’s united with you favorite large vase. It is suggested the height of the stems are around the same size.

Step 9: Flower Food

Lastly pore a few cups of water in the vase and make sure the water fills half the vase. Use your scissors to cut the flower food packaging open and pour it into the vase. Make sure powder is spread evenly in the liquid.  Then finally add your gorgeous bouquet to its vase and enjoy.

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