DIY: Celebrate Spring With This Medley of Flowers For a Bouquet

In this floral arrangement DIY, our Head Florist Hernando Salazar uses popular yellow flowers to celebrate the beginning of spring. From a perfect medley of Easter yellows, this bouquet will surely mellow your interior vibes. Grab your tallest vase and learn how much a high-tie and low-tie will affect your overall arrangement’s presentation. Here are a few steps to transforming your bouquet into the sunshine your apartment has been thirsty for all winter.

Flowers Used In This Video:
  • Mini Hydrangeas
  • Yellow Disbud
  • Yellow Lily
  • Yellow Rose
  • Yellow Pompon
  • White Daisy
  • Green ball
Step 1: Gather Your Landscaping Materials

Working with your monthly delivery from Enjoy Flowers, it is necessary to have the basic essentials to arrange your bouquet. Make sure to have a few plastic twist ties, a sharp pair of scissors, a tall vase that is wide enough to hold at least ten stems, and of course a packet of flower food powder.

You may also like: How to Arrange Flowers, the Basics

Step 2: Remove All The Leaves From Each Stem

This arrangement requires more than a half of vase of water, which means, the majority of the leaves from each stem should be removed so they won’t be floating in the water. Remember, excess leaves that are submerged in the water in your vase may look pretty for a few moments, but ultimately turn the vase water green and gooky with bacteria, which in turn decreases the shelf life of your fresh flower bouquet. Therefore, take your time and remove each petal on each stem. This process alone can be time consuming yet super calming and relaxing.

Step 3: Prepare Your Vase Water

Take a few moments to pour a few cups of water into your vase. Use the entire packet of flower food powder. For those who may not have flower food powder, alternative mixtures may include a few splashes of apple cider vinegar or a fancy concoction of bleach, sugar and lemon.

Step 4: Spiral The Yellow Disbuds, Daisies, Green Balls Together

Start with the flowers with the most volume to their buds, as well as the most stems. They will be your arrangement’s focus point. Keep your hands relaxed and trust your creative intuition. For a proper spiral technique, use your writing hand to pick up each Yellow disbud and arrange each stem into your free hand. Relax and hold your free hand open to receive the spring equinox your right hand is offering. Turn the arrangement in your left hand occasionally for an even arrangement.

Step 5: Spiral The Remaining Stems Around Your Large Bouquet

Repeat the spiral technique with the remaining hydrangeas, yellow roses and lilies. Space out these varying size buds around your focal flower buds from Step 4. This will make your bouquet even.

Step 6: The Twist Tie Technique

Now, use the twist tie technique for the finishing touches of your arrangement. In this video, Head Florist Hernando Salazar shows how the location of your twist tie can totally alter the final arrangement when it comes to securing the perfect form in a tall vase. To achieve a wider bloom with lots of volume, position your twist tie lower from the top of the stems. To achieve a sleeker arrangement with less volume, use one twist tie closer to the top of the stems towards the flower buds. This will give your arrangement a minimalistic look, as both your stems and the flowers will be close together and tucked in.

Step 7: Spring Is In The Flick Of The Wrist

Once you have sealed your spring bouquet to perfection with your handy plastic twist ties,  submerge in water and enjoy!

Try your hand at flower arranging each month with an Enjoy Flowers Farm Selection subscription. Learn More.

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